Why My Relationships Fail ?

When  ever we talk about real relationship everyone will complain and say it not a blessing its more work and it a headach from GOD.  Are you going through frustration and looking at others and your not satisfied with the one you have. Dose it irritates you to think all the problems questions your facing with the relationships. Why is our life frustrating because of it ? why are we facing difficulty even we are still holding on to GOD's promise. You know why it because we are not having a real relationship GOD. If had a real strong relationship GOD you wont be frustrated all the time. 

Now you might be thinking what is this man going to tell why this guy is comparing relationship with GOD. OK i will explain you in detail what i'm trying to write lets go through the relationship with GOD and see what is the importance to our relationship.

1. Sharing your problems and needs

You know everyday we share our problems and needs with god ask him to help us. But are we having same relationship with your partner. Do we think its botheration everyday complaining or do we think its a botheration complaining GOD everyday about your life. We are in relationship because we need to share our problems and need with our partner that's why god put a partner in to your life to share and pray to GOD together and face the problems together. Your partner is there not only to share the joy but also to problems face them together. And also sharing with GOD you make the relationship with GOD in your relationship stronger. As GOD helps with our struggles we should help our partners also through struggles like GOD helps us. It should work both ways. 

2.Sharing the joy and blessing 

Sometimes we only run to GOD when a time of need we don't look to him when we are blessed and with Joy try to look for him when time of need. We think GOD as only place to go in trouble. We cant call we are having a strong relationship with GOD if we neglect to share our happiness with GOD. This is the same in a relationship we should share our happiness with our partner if each face problems we also should be share joy and blessing with each other. We should not be selfish to enjoy happiness alone but should enjoy with the partner who are you in relationship.

3.Trust and faith

We don't see GOD but as we are believers we trust and have faith in him and we know that all things are possible and he is a living GOD. This makes us stronger in Christ and the relationship we have with GOD. This the main thing that we should have when it comes to a true relationship  with GOD. Same way in our relationship we should trust our partner and also we should have faith that they can do it. This help you to be strong without having any doubts and it will ease the frustration of thinking what is my partner is doing now can my partner do it. This helps us to put the trust and faith in our relationship everything will be fine eve we don see what the end is.

4. Confession and Forgiveness

When ever we commit a sin we kneel and pray and confess and ask for forgiveness from god and we confess our sin before him. This to purify our guilt come to the presence of GOD without any Guilt in our hearts. As the same way should do the same in our relationship we should be able to confess and ask for sorry and also able to forgive them if they do so. This help to overcome the guilt in heart to face them as we used to do also help us to ease the anger that we have in them by forgiving and forgetting what happened.


Love is the base of a relationship  if we don't have love towards GOD we are not having a true relationship with him. As GOD ask us to love like he love you we should do the same in our relationship. we should love like GOD loves us unconditionally without any condition. There shouldn't be a condition applied for the love we have for them. we always try apply a condition if our partner do this we love them; if not we don't love. This not called love we should love our partners unconditionally. 

Most of our relationship frustration are because we don't build our relationship with GOD.  Get the bible first we need to build the relationship GOD and then apply  it to our relationship that is how we overcome our frustrating relationship come to a blessed relationship. Remember a blessed relationship makes a stronger you. That's why GOD blessed us up with relationship. Just wanted to share and help you guys to overcome the frustrations you have questions you have. If we are not strong and without a proper foundation GODs Love in our relationship our lives will be frustrated and hard. Its not a fault of GOD or your partner sometimes we have to change first to change our relationship blessed rather than complaining thinking its a disaster. Let build our relationship with GOD first then go into our relationships amend the thing back to a blessed relationship that GOD wants us to have. I will conclude this with a prayer hope this helped in a way to strengthen you.

Dear Lord I come in to your presence and lord help me to build a better relationship with you teach me through your world and help me to overcome the frustration that i'm having by the building a stringer relationship you.

In Jesus Christ name i ask,


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