The true face of LGBTQ+ Agenda and your future
What you're going to read now will shock you. The future is going to get more darker family units can be destroyed in the near future. This is a study done by a Doctor in Canada who shared why sexual orientation changes,
A person to be Gay /Lesbian contains different factors. If a child is turning out to be a gay due to a problem with a genetical disorder of his genes and parental hormones. Why dose these in-balances happens you may ask for this we need to goto the root of the problem.
When a parent /great parent was involved in many sexual relationship(Have sex with many different sexual partners with different hormonal structures) will get their hormonal structure in an imbalance state this will affect brain structure of the baby, Sine sexual differentiation occurs within the womb, Homosexuality (gay /Lesbian) must be a result from the differential hormone in the womb itself and they will eventually exhibit a homosexual orientation.
A rare hormone imbalance of homosexual people is CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA (CAH caused by the defective 21-hydroxylase enzyme, shows that hormonal abnormalities can change the sexual orientation. CAH Results in increased production of male hormones during development, So they get attracted to their same body or same sex.
Here is what the Bible warns about not to have many sexual relationships. This the main root cause why child sexual orientations changes take place in the womb.
Corinthians 6:18
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
2. The Genetic Study
Family pedigrees examinations and tests confirm that gay men had more homosexual male relatives through his mothers generation line. With the female Chromosome X which effects the sex orientation of the child's gens. That defective gene is called Xq28 ( So it is a confirmation that throughout the generation the genetic factors of the blood line also may create gay and create possibilities for a child to turn to be a gay; also we have to clearly understand that gay people come from birth factors according to their hormones and their gens.
Another factor is the environment you bring up a child also can play a big role changing the attraction to same sex. Due to influence around the environment and the trends going around the environment witch child gathers information. Hormones plays a role in fetal sex differentiation it influences the sexual orientation that emerges from the childhood to the later sex activity in adulthood. Prenatal Hormone is seen as the primary determinate of adult sexual orientation, and also gens biological factors and environmental also social condition.
When we compare the hormones basically in our view point we are sure that prenatal factors that effects or interfere with the interaction of these hormones on the developing brain can influence later sex typed behavior in children.
For example if we take the young children, we see the sexual differentiation behavior in toy selection. Differing in male child & female child. Where as females prefer dolls males prefer car toys and balls. when hormone imbalances happen in a child you may see a difference. The child would be liking the toys of the opposite sex also they get attracted to the opposite sex. Also they would behave like the opposite sex. But when it comes to sexual attraction they wouldn't be attracted to the opposite sex but they will be attracted to there own body structure. This leads them to attract towards their own sex gender. When the male grows with this defect and the brain adjust to it when they are small his hormonal imbalances become low that he will be at all attracted to women if not treated at early stage.
And also the children who are forced to live in a gay environment or sexually imbalanced environment(if parents are having sex with different partners) has more possibility to turn as a gay. Because their childhood brain will adopt the pattern from the environment and it will become or turn to be the behavior.
As a conclusion when a gay marriage happens it will definitely effect a major crisis in the next generation 10 to 20 years of time. This would speed up the process due with the media influence.When it becomes normal in the society sex will be normal with both the sex(As people obey the law; law says its ok). This can lead to more hormone imbalance kids with deformed birth rate will be going up. Due to this the kids that are straight will be used in schools other places to have same sex will be increased of corruption of the gens for the future generation. The environment shift will be going up as the future generation born will be more gay than the straight.
This will lead to another major problem raising a child. When it increase the gay couple there will be question who will raise the kids. This will lead in a child adoption business. Children will be sold like pets to people like sperms/eggs are sold in so called developed countries. This will make the children forced to live in a environment that there parents are gay and they will turned into gay automatically. This happen to Sodom and Gomorrah there total population was homosexual the whole gen strain was corrupted. GOD has to destroy the whole city due that the mortality was dead and it was a immoral society. Even when GOD warned they didn't listen. It is normal when tell a drug addict its wrong to take drugs they make stories to do drugs like that they were giving away for pleasure and the corrupting the human gens to be a dying society. You will have the question why its was called a dying society. I will address these on my next blog post many will have questions how get your generation without being a corrupted those will be addressed on my later post. Will be also addressing these in a small booklet to help Christian to go through immoral society to bring up moral generation through the word of God.
Also will try to post something to overcome the attraction towards same sex and help the people i psychologically because the world is diluted with immoral things its hard to find the correct way out but with GOD through Jesus Christ you can find the right path. These days are hard and your faith will be tested. Through Jesus Christ you can be a over comers from fleshly desires every person on earth is fighting addiction, Sins everyday; Through Jesus Christ and his blood shed on the cross " WE ARE OVER-COMERS".
"Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12"Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
Matthew 5:10-12
Let the man who have wisdom understand it; Let the foolish follow the steps of the world and dig the grave for his own sons & daughters. But if you want your children to live and your generation to move forward. Then you must live according to word of God. Or else your children's life will be in danger. And your generation will end, and your genetics will no longer live on this earth. Share this with your friends to help educate the people.
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