Getting out of stress triggers
As i am working with a mind controlled(MKUltra) victim to improve her self and to get her out of triggers and from the abuser group I found many ways to help her way out off triggers and helping her to corp up with the triggers This will helpful to overcome your self from traumatic events and triggers useful for your life to understand better your life. Flashbacks A flashback is when memories of past traumas feel as if they are taking place in the current moment. Many survivors of sexual violence experience these emotional returns to the trauma, believing themselves to be back at the scene of the attack or abuse. Flashbacks are also a symptom of PTSD . According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Flashbacks may consist of images, sounds, smells, or feelings, and are often triggered by ordinary occurrences, such as a door slamming or a car backfiring on the street. A person having a flashback may lose touch with reality and believe that the traumatic incident is...